Academy Lunches
Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch. We ask parents and carers providing packed lunches to choose healthy options with a balanced selection of food including fruit and vegetables, juice and/or water. We do not permit sweets in packed lunches. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day which can be refilled at our fountains.
We operate a cashless system at the Academy. Parents and carers must prepay for lunches. Free Academy meals are available to families who qualify for this benefit - please use the Free School Meals Checking Service below to see if you are eligibility.
From Reception to Year 6 we encourage families to allow their children to stay on site at lunchtime although we do allow parents to collect their children for a home lunch. All children in Reception to Year 2 receive a free hot lunch each day. Early Years children have milk and fruit in their classrooms.
In Year 7 to 11 students must remain on site at break and lunchtime. Snacks and sandwiches are available at break time. The lunch time menus are available below.
Sixth Form students are allowed off site at break and lunchtime. They are expected to return in good time for lessons or independent study sessions.
For information on how you can pay for your child's Academy lunches please see our My Child at School page.
Universal Free School Meals - The Mayor of London
Primary school children in state-funded schools in London will continue to get free school meals for the next academic year as announced by The Mayor of London. Children will receive free school meals in 2024-25.
Themed Lunch Menus
How to top up your child's lunch account
To complete payment for school lunches please do the following:
Applying for Free School Meals
Your child may be entitled to a free school meal every day. Free School Meals are available for children if either you or your partner gets any of the following:
- Income Support
- Universal Credit
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income of £16,190 or less, as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
If you feel you are eligibility please use the link below to apply. We have made it easy to sign up below:
Free School Meals Checking Service
If you are unable to complete this form please call the academy and we will assist you.
What meals do we serve?
To find out what we are serving in our kitchens each week, please see the attached menu.
A school lunch costs £2.58.
Have a Food Allergy?
Providing information about your child’s food allergy and medications to the academy is critical.
If your child has a food allergy or food intolerance please complete the Food Allergy Form as accurately as you can, describing any food allergies.
Once we get this information, we will share it with our catering partner, so they can make sure your child gets alternative meals that are safe for them. If your child’s condition changes after you send us the form, you need to tell us as soon as possible.
Return the form to reception or email to the Office here as soon as possible.
If you are unable to complete this form please call the academy and we will assist you.