
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Year 6-7 Transition

From Primary to Secondary School

Students joining our Academy all have the opportunity to build relationships with us and learn about the next stages of their education prior to starting with us in September.

Primary students and parents have a transition parents meeting in the summer term where they are given information about our Academy and who will be the class tutor for their time at Oasis Academy Hadley. It is a great opportunity to build a relationship with the Academy as you will get to ask questions and find out that valuable information, including who's who. All year 6 students are invited in to the Academy for a taster day, where they will meet their form tutor and their peers for the next 5 years.

We hope that this helps to settle some of the nerves that come with changing environments - especially since we understand how daunting it can be knowing you are the newest and youngest members of the family! With our taster day, our prospective students go home safe in the knowledge that they have walked the corridors of the Academy, met their teacher and most importantly made friends.

Upcoming Key Dates

Online admissions open on 1 September 2024.

The application deadline is 31 October 2024. 

You will receive the outcome of your application on evening of 1st March 2025

If you have any more questions about the transition process, please contact Katie Broadbent on 0208 804 6946 or email

iPads (Oasis Horizons – Apple® School) 

Hadley is an official Apple school. All our children have their own iPad which they use to study at home and at school. Children transitioning to Hadley should receive their iPad in the summer term together with all the resources into Year 7. Your child will also have unlimited access to learning resources.