
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Oasis Encounter

Oasis Encounter is a 8 week course for all parents and carers who are caring for children and young people. 

How would you answer these questions?

Has your relationship with your children broken down?

Have you tried everything but feel like giving up, or have you already given up?

Do you feel like no one understands how hard it is?

Are you willing to try something new to restore your relationship with your child?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we would love to invite you to join Oasis Encounter sessions. 

How does Oasis Encounter work?

Oasis Encounter is a program that improves the whole family's mental well-being. Through eight online sessions, the trained coaches offer a supportive and safe space for parents and carers to discuss the realities of parenting. 

This is a fantastic therapeutic programme lasting 8 weeks and is especially of benefit to parents who are struggling to maintain boundaries and high parental presence in the home. The sessions run on the Zoom platform which can be accessed through any smart phone/tablet or laptop. 

All parents / carers can self refer using our online form below:

Oasis Encounter Course- self refer here!

Oasis Encounter Parent Guide

Oasis Encounter Leaflet